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Thursday, July 19, 2007

Mini Pool, Hoses, and other Mischief

Oh what fun on a hot summer day.

It didn't take this kid long to figure out how to drink from the hose. Each gulp is follwed by a gasp and a big smack of the lips and an "AHHHHHHH" as the finale.

Yes, we do have a monkey in the house!

Eli at the source of the spring water that he loves to drink.

We finally got Eli a little pool. We have both been enjoying this outside time immensely! Eli loves to carry around the hose, get drinkss, and gasps when he squirts himself with the water (Mom does too, when she gets squirted). Lots of summer fun!
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Danalin said...

So cute! I love the dramatic drinking of the water. :) Max has also discovered the fun of the hose...I'll have to post the video of his first time running through the water from the hose. It was a hot day and he was fully clothed, but I decided he should go for it! I love helping these little people have a fun childhood!

Bonny said...

So fun!! There's nothing better than playing in the water. I love all of Eli's sound effects - too cute!!
Love ya lady!