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Saturday, August 4, 2007

Laundry, messy faces, and fun hats

Does this kid have HAM BONE written all over him or what? He recently has become obsessed with the laundry basket. His latest specialty is folding the laundry - in reverse! Yep, he likes to huck stuff everywhere. The messier the better.

There is a picture of my big brother and sister on my brother's wedding day and a couple of him and his new wifey-poo! Awwww! Congrats Murray!


Bonny said...

I can't believe how big Eli is getting! I love it when babies put bowls and things on their heads for "hats" - too darn cute!!
Love the new pics!
Miss ya my friend.

nickel... said...

Hello my long lost Idaho friend!

It was so fun to get your post on my blog and had to come check out yours...and oh how I wasn't disappointed! Eli is really really really cute! How old is he now? So do you have any plans to come play in Vegas again soon?