He is so much fun right now! He is learning so fast! He has about 30 words that he can say now. My favorite and most recent addition is "thank you," which sounds like "kee choo."
He loves playing with the dog (or rather ON the dog). He loves to wear my glasses and look at how weird everything looks through the corrective lenses for the eyes of a more than legally blind person.
He had a blast the other day playing in some boxes (what little kid doesn't love boxes? They could put all the toy companies out of business!) He was entertained for quite a while! So fun.
There are also a couple of videos of his cuteness attached below. Sorry about the horrible narrator. She is not the most professional of cinematographers, but is the only one we have. And sorry, but the root beer video is on there twice. Computer savvy I am not. However, it is so cute, you will probably want to watch it at least twice!!
We are going camping to Stanley again next week (well I am going camping, Brandon is going hunting - minor clarification), so I am sure we will have some more fun pics of that adventure.
Eli is so stinkin' cute!! I can tell you guys are having so much fun with him. And your dog seems to be so good with him!
I can't wait for Eli and Mya to see each other again. I know they are going to be good friends!
I love all the new pictures and videos - keep them coming!!
Love the videos! Seriously, Max and Eli would have such fun times together...*sigh* I love the box video, it made me want to make a fort for Max to play in. Maybe when he wakes up. Love ya, lady!
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