This kid loves to be outside. He is learning so many new words every day! My most favorite addition has been "hi, buddy!" It is so darn cute! He loves to peek out from behind chairs and the couch and say BOO! It is amazing how much he is learning every day. He is so much more expressive and he is able to convey what is going on in that cute little (okay, not THAT little - his head was off the chart at his last Dr.'s appt.) head of his. He has started cruising around the house with his arms extended like an airplane, complete with noises. He especially loves it when I chase him around with my "wings" extended.
Well, it sounds like he is done NOT taking his nap for this afternoon. Enjoy the pictures.

I wish you could hear the noise he was making here! He is definitely a monkey on the monkey bars!
Well, it sounds like he is done NOT taking his nap for this afternoon. Enjoy the pictures.
I wish you could hear the noise he was making here! He is definitely a monkey on the monkey bars!
Doesn't he look cute in his new coat and hat?
SO cute in his new coat and hat! Love the little man. Oh, and conrats on the falling asleep in the high chair milestone! :) I think that just happened once or twice for us as well.
Okay, I have to I knew that Max was tuckered, but I wanted to get a little food in before the nap. I sat him up there and he got most of the way through his meal. I walked in and he was trying so hard to keep his eyes open while slowly chewing his food. I laughed and went back into the kitchen for a second when I heard a "thump!" He's no longer in a high chair so I hurried in, worried he'd soon take the booster seat with him to the floor or something, to see him picking his head up off the table, still chewing, eyes half closed and he puts up his left hand and slowly gives me the "all done" sign. I couldn't stop laughing the whole way up to his room. That's when you wish a video camera was mounted on the wall. :)
So much fun at the park! What a little trooper. He really takes after his mom and dad!! He has the outside bug really bad!! I can't believe he can say so many words! It will be so much fun to hear him talk!
Oh, and I love his coat and hat! Such a stylish little guy. :0)
Love you guys!
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