Eli was so good at the appointment with us. There is a big fish tank in the waiting room that he was completely enthralled with! He has the cutest excited giggle. It involves his whole body. I am not sure how he does it, but it is so adorable. I really wonder how much of this whole baby thing he conceptualizes... He gives my belly pats and hugs and says baby-awww-baby. He has really taken a liking to looking at his own baby book and loves seeing his itty bitty pictures (where Eli is itty bitty, not so much the pictures).
Here is a little trick Eli learned from our dog. He will woof at people and cars that go by our window. Sometimes Mattie will go to the window to check out what Eli is barking at. Crazy kids!
Hooray for that amazing sound! I think that Max is grasping the whole baby situation as much as Eli. I'll ask where Kelly is and he'll say her name and aither point to my belly or my *ahem* breast. :) I guess since they both stick out so far she really could be anywhere. I know, too much information, but I think it's funny!
AWWWWWW that is awesome! I love that sound too! It's so comforting and I know whenever I heard it I was like WHEW shes still there and going strong! :) I can totally sympathize with you on the cow smell! In bakersfiled there is a cow farm next to the costco we went to and I had to switch Costcos because I was gagging so much while I was prego. THANK YOU COWS! Do you eat preggie pops all the time? I carried lemon wedges with me everywhere I went. Total life saver. Oh yeah and your hair is SO CUTE! I LOVE IT! Email me and tell me what to tell my hair stylist, I want that cut! :)
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