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Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas Narrative

Here are a few more details about our Christmas. We had so much fun with my sister, Tricia, visiting! Eli really LOVES his "haunty Tra-Tra" (and he has been asking where she is since she left-we miss you Tra-Tra).

When Eli woke up, we took him downstairs(after combing his hair-he had quite the case of went-to-bed-with-wet-hair bedhead) and he saw his stocking. The first thing he said was "Santa?" when he saw the little stuffed Santa poking out of his stocking. He also loves Santa! He pulled it out and promptly gave him a big hug and said "awww, Santa!" We helped him unload the rest of his stocking and open a few cars, etc. He wasn't really into tearing the paper much, and once he had some cars and a Santa, he was pretty distracted.

He was in awe of all the little matchbox cars Santa brought him! He knew exactly what to do with the "road rug" he got as well. He drove his cars and played all morning. He would be talking to his cars, look up, smile, and say "happy." Yes, that totally melted my heart! It still does just thinking about it!

His favorite car is the orange hot-rod. I will have to take a picture of that one. He has a book with different cars in it and that is where he picked up "hot rod." I love to hear him say it. There are also a few diggers, a tractor, and a motorcycle in the lot for good measure. He doesn't like for me to put his cars away though. He will help me put them in their little box, saying "helper" the whole time, but as soon as they are all in-he promptly proceeds to dump the whole box out again. I guess all cars long to be free and out in the open...

Haunty Tra-Tra made him a moon pillow that he loves. Yes, his fascination with the moon still continues, and he frequently requests the "Buffalo Gals" song.

After presents, Eli played happily with his new plethora of cars while we whipped up a breakfast of Berries & Creme Cheese French Toast and hashbrowns. This was SO yummy! It is quite easy too! It was so relaxing. Our morning was serenaded by my Uncle Lynn's Christmas CD. He is in the Golden Gate Men's Chorus. They are an awesome choir!

It was a great Christmas, and next year will be even more exciting when Eli is a bit older and we have #2 with us.

We are off to Pocatello this weekend for our second Christmas with family there. Then we find out girl or boy on the 7th, and the following week we are off to a quick trip to Las Vegas to visit friends!

1 comment:

Danalin said...

Perfect! Wasn't it fun this year?! And it will just get better in the years to come as they catch on more to the excitement of the holiday...oh how I loved this Christmas! Love you, lady, hope Pocatello was fun.