He cut his first molar and he has three more teeth not too far behind that one. We have had a long respite from teething - this is not one of my favorite things and I am sure that Eli will second that motion!
We have (okay, it is all me - I have) been better about going for our morning constitutionals. Eli is always an eager participant! I have finally started to feel not so sick all the time and have even felt a little ambition from time to time. We got Eli some roasty-toasty mittens and Ibundle him up, toss him in the stroller and nearly smother him with blankets, and off we go. He LOVES the Christmas decorations! He is going to be quite sad when everybody takes them down. He loves saying BOO to all the Santas, snowmen, and penguins. He will first scare all the decorations by saying BOO to them and then he will say Bye, Santa, Snowman, or whatever it is we are passing. He is trying to say candy cane, but it isn't all that well annunciated yet - it sure is cute though!
Brandon put his hat on Eli the other day. Eli thought he was Mr. Studly in it! Just like daddy!
He loves running amuck at the park. I think what he really likes is for me to chase him.
Yes, we are still getting lots of mileage from this tiger costume. It is still one of Eli's very good friends (he has named it Grr) and it gets packed around and snuggled frequently. Brandon had the wonderful idea of seeing how our cat, Nick, looked in the costume. It was pretty funny, but I don't think Nick was overly impressed with the whole affair.
Ranch, ranch, and more Ranch. This is frequently what Eli looks like after a meal doused in ranch. He loves to paint his face with it and squish it between his fingers. When he is done eating, he will say "Done," and "hands" because we always go straight to the sink to wash all the ooey-gooeyness off!
Eli got to sit on Santa's lap the other night at our ward party. It was way past his bedtime, and he wasn't quite sure what to make of this guy. He gets so excited whenever he sees Santa decorations, but I guess it was taking things to a whole new level when he saw a live, moving around Santa. At least he didn't scream bloody murder!
Eli got a hold of my hands-free set and proceeded to have a conversation with an unknown party sans phone. I missed the cutest parts of his conversation, but this still is a kinda cute video.
Man, Kirsten, he is SO cute! I love that you have gotten so much mileage out of the Halloween costume too! Glad that you are feeling slightly better - I hope it's totally gone for you very soon. I get to go and hear our little lady's heartbeat again today...love it.
Oh, and here's something that totally STINKS! We will be getting to Vegas on the 19th of January. Ugh. We'll be missing you by two days! I think my mom and sisters are going to be doing a girl baby shower that Saturday too...it would have been so fun to see you. Maybe Bonny will come, though, and share some of her Kirsten love with me!
Oh so cute!! Mya loved watching the video. She stuck a spoon up to her ear like she was talking to Eli too! She is pretty crazy about phones these days.
I'm so glad you are feeling better - that is so great!
I thought I would let you know that I have a new post on my blog since you have been so patiently waiting.
Love ya!!
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