We had our appointment today. Everything looked great on the ultrasound. Little Man cooperated very nicely for the lady and we were able to watch his heart beating, look at his little stomach, kidneys, spine, brain, future belly button site (still under construction), amongst other things -wink, wink.
He was very wiggly throughout the ultrasound. It was so fun to see him moving around in all his amazingness (okay, I know that really isn't a word, but it just seems to fit here!)
I guess my gut guess was right again. Before we left for the Dr. Eli kept saying "boy, boy." His vote was right too! Now we are going to have to work on names...this is going to be a tough one! Boy names are so hard!!!
We are at the halfway point now! Only about 20 more weeks until we get to meet our new little person and give him snuggles and lovins! I am constantly wondering how the heck I am going to juggle everything in life with two little rug rats...I suppose I won't be the first mom to figure this stuff out, but it definitely has me pondering a few things like how to get groceries, what to do with one kid while you put the other one down for a nap, coordinating daily activities with two nap schedules, working, cleaning...just about everything in daily life!
Here are some of the ultrasound pics (we left the racy ones out ;-).
Here are his little piggies on his little foot!
Here is his little face. You can see his right eyelid, nose, chin, and forehead. His little hands were clasped under his chin above his round little belly.
Here is his right arm and hand balled into a fist.
Here is his right arm and hand balled into a fist.
Last night Eli figured out how to take his shirt off by himself. I asked him if he wanted to take a bath, and he said "naked" and immediately went to town trying to free himself from his restraining vestments. He was quite proud of his shirt removal, and after this victory, he immediately went for his socks.
Hooray!!!! Another little man...I am hoping that in the bunch of kids I want there is at LEAST one more of the male gender. I love little boys! Good luck on the name. I agree that boy names are much harder. However, you guys did great the first time around. Congrats, congrats, congrats! I am so excited for you!
Oh, and you look FABULOUS, by the way! Such a hot momma-to-be!
Sweet!! Having another boy will be so much fun. Congrats!! You are going to be a great mommy to 2 boys! And you look fantastic my friend! What a cute little tummy. I can't wait to see you in person next week! Good luck with the name - I seem to have trouble with girl names - so I totally know what you are going through. Brandon and I duked it out the entire 9 months of pregnancy!!
Anyway, I am so excited for you, Brandon and Eli! YIIIPPPEEEE!!!
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