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Friday, February 13, 2009

One Those Mornings

This morning (after Xander woke up repeatedly through the night) both of my sweet children were awake at 6am. *sigh* We began our morning with two tired kids that were screeching and bickering. *bigger sigh* Xander must be teething again because he has started his Nazgul Parakeet shriek of death again. *wince and sigh*

I did manage to get Xander to take a little early morning nap *sigh of relief* While Xander was snoozing fitfully, Eli and I were drawing and writing on our dry erase board. Eli was asking me to spell different words and then attempting to copy them in his 2-year-old manner. He started drawing his own word and I asked him what it said. He said it was 'Mattie poop.' Lovely, no? He knows all about our dog's poop. *chuckle and sigh*

1 comment:

Saville Family said...

A day in the life of we love these little people anyway!