Things that have changed my life
- My husband. This is a given, but I really do have to give credit where credit is due. I am who I am because of the unconditional love and support my husband gives me. He is such an incredible man and absolutely the best friend a girl could ever have. Diamonds definitely don't even take a close second to the love that we share. Besides, I prefer something a bit more cuddly as a best friend rather than a rock, no matter how shiny.
- My children. This was journey that I was reluctant to make. They teach me so much every day. They try me in ways I never thought possible, but I am learning so much about myself as they do. They are the real teachers here.
- Bob Proctor. For those of you who are not familiar with Bob, he is one of the main teachers on the movie "The Secret." Some of you may be skeptical about what that movie teaches, but as I have really immersed myself in all the different teachings of the Laws of the Universe, I have learned SO MUCH about how God operates and that man really is that he might have joy! And not just a little bit of joy either. I'm talking about the kind of joy I never knew possible. And we don't have to wait until heaven to receive it either. We don't just have to "endure to the end," God wants us to be happy right now and figure out what we really love to do and then do it! Brandon and I are participating in a year-long mentorship with Bob and it has been absolutely phenomenal! This man has spent the last 50 years dedicated to studying and has such a wealth of knowledge. The most amazing thing is how everything that he teaches absolutely fits in with the Gospel! He even quotes a couple of scriptures from the Docterine and Covenants in his teachings. If you want to give your mind something to chew on, really study - not just read or peruse - The Lectures on Faith by Joseph Smith. My testimony of God and His love for us and the Plan of Salvation has absolutely exploded and my awareness of how this plan actually works has grown so much! These things have totally changed the way I look at the world, myself, and my relationship with the world and every single person in it. I am so lovin' this learning.
- Glen Doman. Yes, another man that is not my husband. Glen Doman wrote How to Multiply Your Baby's Intelligence, which I highly recommend to EVERY NEW MOM!! Glen started the Institute for Development of Human Potential in the 60's. They started by working with brain-injured children and in working with these children, they quite unexpectedly learned how amazingly eager and capable to learn ALL little children are to learn. Your baby can be taught to read and do simple algebraeic equations before they can even talk. And it is EASY to do this and it is JOYFUL and FUN! The thing that he said that really changed me the most, was the title he gave to mothers. Instead of "stay-at-home mom" or "homemaker" he used the title "Professional Mother." Say it out loud girls! Try it on! Doesn't it just feel nice? Doesn't it just encompass the things that we do as mom's as unshakably important and someone to be taken seriously? It gives so much more purpose to the actual job and is something to live up to instead of make excuses for. After I read that, I ordered some business cards with my name and profession as Professional Mother. ( has great deals on cards just in case you are interested - 250 for just $5.00 shipping). It has given me purpose in my calling as a mommy and has given me the motivation to really live up to that title! I am throwing my entire self into this job as mom with new vigor and purpose. By the time they are 6-8 years old, they stop listening so much to what we have to say and start thinking on their own, which is how it is designed to be. So right now is MY time, MY job, MY shot to fill their little minds with things that are virtuous, lovely, and of good report, and praiseworthy. I will never have this opportunity again. They are completely open to what I am teaching them, both active teaching and by just observing my actions and behaviors. They are my little bosses. I am here to serve them with all my mind, might, and strenght. In return they will compensate me with unconditional love, slobbery kisses, and incomprehensible joy. What more could a girl ask for? You don't have to 'put your life on hold' until the kids are in school. This is your life right now! Don't waste it! Drink it up! Don't let a single drop of it slip through your fingers. There really is a time and a season for everything, but the only time we will ever have is right now!
Wow, very well put. And a hearty AMEN from me! You're an inspiration Kirsten!
Enlightening. I love the title "Professional Mother", I shall try it on and wake up with a new purpose.
Loved this. I will definitely look into that book. And I have loved watching you love motherhood, by the way. All of those talks about not being sure...I always knew you would be the world's greatest momma. And here you are, doing just that!
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