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Friday, September 14, 2007

Bottoms Up

This is Eli's favorite sleeping position, behind pointing UP! It is so funny to see all the different positions he contorts himself into while sleeping. The last picture shows the imprint of his little fingers on his cheeks from sleeping on his hand in the picture on the lower left.
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Bonny said...

Ahhhh!! I love it when Mya sleeps like that too but it never lasts very long. She tosses and turns so much while she sleeps.
I'm so happy that he is sleeping so good for you now. He seems like such a little sweetheart. We can't wait to see you guys!
Love ya bunches!

Danalin said...

I LOVE the bottom in the air pose. It always makes me think of Back to the Future, though. He is so, so cute, Kirsten! The imprint is pretty deep, he must have slept like that for quite a while. Oh, and when are you guys going to Vegas?