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Friday, October 19, 2007

It Finally Happened!

Well folks, it finally happened. The long awaited day when your child first falls asleep in the high chair. It seems such an unlikely place for a energetic young person to take a snooze and I was doubtful that Eli would ever do such a thing, but he sure proved me wrong!

I was cooking him some lunch and I noticed that it was extremely quiet over in Eli's corner of the kitchen. I looked over to see him nodding off with his hands over his eyes. No, he is not playing peek-a-boo, he is trying to catch some Zzzz's. It was so funny!

Eli is still infatuated with outside (he can say this now, too). He loves to play in the dirt, and has begun trying to eat dirt and rocks. He will even look at me and say icky before he puts a delictible little morsel of dirt and germs in his mouth. He usually spits the dirt out pretty quick, but he is partial to sucking of rocks. Ewww.
This is a picture of Eli at the park. We had been in the house all day because it was icky and windy outside. When I finally released the beast to his natural habitat (outside) we took a walk to the park. Clarification: he ran and I walked beside him and he really did walk to the park all by himself (with me carrying him across the street of course). When we got to the park, he proceeded to continue running around, and around, and around. I swear, this kid is going to adopt the USPS motto of through rain, snow, sleet, hail, and all and any unpleasant weather, the child must go out and play!

He can go down the slide all by himself!
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Danalin said...

Man, he and Max really are kindred spirits!!! I am not looking forward to the winter because a day without going outside is a very unpleasant day, indeed. Looks like we're going out no matter what as well! He is so cute, Kirsten!

Bonny said...

Ahhhh! All tuckered out and not a pillow in sight - what's a little dude gotta do?? Such a sweet picture!