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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Bye, bye bump

Much to my discontent, my little baby bump has retreated into the recesses of my abdomen. Grrr. Eli and I have been going for walks in the mornings, and I guess that pushing a stroller around provides excellent abdominal exercise and toning.

I can't decide if I should feel complemented or insulted when people tell me that I can't possibly be four months pregnant because I don't even look it (I definitely am not my pre-pregnancy shape and weight! Yes, my jeans are a bit snug and my waistline isn't as trim sans infant passenger - maybe it goes back to the Thanksgiving-was-good-at-our-house-this-year look, or maybe I am just an overly hormonal and occasionally a bit paranoid pregnant woman who feels slighted that I don't get to show off a pregnant belly just yet).

Oh well, it can't be much longer now!

1 comment:

Bonny said...

BUMMER!! Hopefully your belly will be bumping out again very soon. Looking forward to your vist - your belly better be showing by then so I can finally see you looking preggo!
Love you!