We had another Doctor's appointment today - this one was for me and the little giblet. Everything is looking great and we got to hear that wonderful, weird noise that they tell us is our little baby's heartbeat.
We find out boy or girl on January 7th (so long as #2 cooperates for the onscreen performance).
I do feel the slightest bit cheated. Eli got away without any shots at his appointment yesterday, but my normally nice nurse stuck me in my arm with a flu shot. OUCH! I would compare that one to a tetanus shot! My arm still burns a bit. I definitely have more sympathy for Eli vociferously detesting his flu shot a few weeks ago. Poor little guy!
My belly is finally starting to bump a bit. I think it looks pretty cute, but it doesn't really look like a baby bump yet - it looks more like a Thanksgiving-was-GOO-oo-oood-this-year bump. You know, when everyone who doesn't know that you are pregnant sneaks glances at your middle section with suspicion evident in their eyes, but (most people) are too polite to say anything just in case Thanksgiving was super good this year.
It is true that you start showing earlier with subsequent pregnancies than with the first. With Eli, I made it all the way to 20 weeks before I started showing. What better reason to wear elastic pants and be able to show off a bit of belly? I can't think of one!
20 weeks?! Oh, sista, I was getting those suspicious looks at like 12 weeks with Max! I pop super early, but then level out for a little while. Everyone suspects twins for the first few months of my "showingness". It's lovely. But don't you think that look at your midsection is a funny one?
Yeah for a baby bump!! I don't think I started to really show with Mya until around 18 weeks so I was right there with you. I was happy to finally show off my weight gain in the form of a baby belly and not just being chubby!!
So, only 5 more weeks until you find out if this babe is a boy or a girl! I am soooooo looking forward to that day!
Love you!
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