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Monday, December 3, 2007

Statisically Speaking

Eli is 18 months old now! He went in to the doctor today for his checkup (no shots this time -yahoo! It was a good thing too! He is now ultra suspicious of the Dr.'s office since his last visit a couple weeks ago for his flu shot. He has NEVER been that clingy! He just wouldn't let go of me and didn't want me to put him down).

He weighed in at 27 lb 6 oz and was 32.5 inches tall, the 70th and 55th percentiles respectively. Statistically, he is still a bit of a big boy, but he certainly has dropped on the growth chart from his hefty 90th+ percentiles for weight and height.

He has started to be a bit of a picky eater, not wanting to eat veggies and meats, but Mommy found the special sauce! R-A-N-C-H! Yes folks, it's great on chicken, assorted vegetables, crackers, you name it! Just give Eli some ranch and something, anything, to dip into this delectable sauce and he will eat it. Hooray for tricking your kids into eating something healthy (or is it the kids tricking the parents into taking something that was healthy and drenching it in something unhealthy, thereby negating the effects of the once healthy foods). Those kids are sneaky from the get-go!

Eli had his first full day of nursery at church on Sunday. He LOVED it, and I don't think he was too sad to see me go. He loves all the different toys, all the different people, and all that nursery entails. When I was coming up the stairs to get him after church, I was still down the hall and I could hear his shrieks of delight. They were blowing bubbles and he was enthusiastically chasing and popping them. I had to convince him it was time to go! As for me, it was a blessedly wonderful two hours that I didn't have to chase the little man around or gently shhh him when he is wandering around saying "hi" and showing everyone his car and the noises it makes. Granted, it is really cute when he does this, but it is also nice to not worry about him playing with some lady's pantyhose on her legs, get into other diaper bags, grab scriptures, etc. I am going to have to do something nice for his nursery teachers!

Here is a picture of Eli after a ranch-enhanced meal. You can't really see how well-basted he is in ranch sauce. It was all over his fingers and face. Mmmm.

Here is a video of me torturing a poor, starving child just because I love to hear him say applesauce!


Danalin said...

LOVE IT! I love his little voice and the way he says applesauce. Totally worth torturing him for that video! I think Eli could take Max since my little man just isn't growing as fast...but maybe he'll catch up someday!

Bonny said...

Ranch is definately the best condiment ever invented!! It really can go on anything!!
I absolutely love seeing Eli talk! He is so so cute! Mya and I had to watch it several times. And the way he says applesauce is so dang cute! I'm so glad you got that on video and for sharing it with us!!

nickel... said...

Oh so worth the torture if just for our benefit! I love the "knock knock" part too!

I can't wait for Taj to start talking more! Eli is SUCH A CUTE LITTLE KID!!