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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Afore Promised Jumping Video

Here is the jumping video of Eli. He can really catch some good air now, granted he is still a far shot from Air Jordan, but that doesn't dampen his enthusiasm for this newfound ability nor my enjoyment of watching him show off his sweet jumping skills.

We decided to go for a walk this morning. Our normal morning entertainment on Wednesdays is Story Time at the well-loved library. Due to temporary non-remembrance to retrieve the carseat from the truck before Brandon went to work, we were prevented from journeying forth to the library. Therefore, a walk and trip to the park was the featured item on the menu for today.

So I asked Eli if he wanted to go for a walk and to the park and he got all excited and ran toward the door. I got out our coats and told him we needed to put his coat and shoes on. When I attempted to put his coat on, he got quite upset and wouldn't cooperate. After about 5 minutes of noncompliance, I asked him if he wanted his brown coat instead of his blue coat. Problem solved. He got all excited and we were out the door without any further ado. Silly me, the brown coat matched his digger shirt much better than the blue coat! Get a clue, Mom! When we got back from our walk, he wouldn't let me take the coat off. He is currently in his bed taking a nap avec coat. Silly monkey!

1 comment:

Bonny said...

Very cute! He really is catching some good air. I've been trying to teach Mya to jump - she does a good little skip jump.
He's a very cute dancer too!