After Eli's nap, Eli and I went out with my very good friend, JaNae, and her little girl, Kiera, to Baja Fresh for a late lunch/early dinner. Mmmm... I love Baja Fresh! After that we went over to JaNae's house and we worked on scrapbooking while the kidlets were running amuck. Eli LOVES JaNae and Kiera. He asks to go to their house multiple times every day and is always a bit disgruntled when we drive past the turn off to JaNae's house. (Yes, this kid knows the roads and knows when I am not driving to his desired destination. The library is another place we try not to drive past unless we plan on stopping in).
When Daddy came home from work, he was packing more bangoos (balloons), a delectable birthday cake, and a live hyacinth plant that smelt like heaven itself (also known as SPRING). My cake was so pretty and looked like a spring day with fluffy flowers and a dragonfly. (Did I mention it was luscious as well-mmmm....pregnant lady and cake! Mmmm). Eli was running around like a madman with all the bangoos everywhere. It was hysterical!
Eli has figured out several of things in the past couple of days.
(1) He has decided that he actually does like to talk on the phone so long as he is the one holding it. It is so funny to watch! I attached a video of him talking to his Aunty Tricia.
(2) He has also decided that he has a favorite pair of pajamas. They are fuzzy zip up jammies with airplanes on them that he got for Christmas. Tonight we tried to put on another pair of PJs as his airplane jammies need to be washed. Wow, did that cause a ruckus. Even during naptime, he will snuggle with his airplane jammies like they were a favorite blanket or something. Crazy kid. It is so fun to see him form his own little opinion on things. Thank heavens there are two pairs of the beloved airplane jammies!
(3) Today (perhaps inspired by his airplane jammies) Eli learned to take flight (if only for a brief second and maybe 1 or 2 cm) by jumping! It is so cute to watch! He has had fun practicing this one!
(4) He found a new favorite bedtime book. Daddy's car magazines. Eli holds great fascination for "hot rod cars." Brandon got out one of his magazines to show his dream car to his friend, and Eli was totally enamored! When I tried to get him to go up to his room so we could read some books and go to sleep, all he could in a frantic little voice was "hot rod car, hot rod car" over and over. So we grabbed the magazine and looked through it with repeated "Wow's" and "Dude's" and hot rod car's." He is also learning the specific names of his little die cast cars - for example, he can say Hummer, Viper, GTO, Volvo, Dodge, and a couple others. Essential knowledge for any toddler!
Here is our little Diddle, Diddle Dumpling with one sock off and one sock in his airplane jammies. It totally looks like he is thinking to the dog "Trick or Treat, smell my feet." Of course, dogs being what they are, Mattie was more than happy to give them a good sniff and even a complementary lick. Eewww.
Here is a video of Eli running.
Here is Eli going down the slide on his little car -toy thing (I have no idea what you would call it. I just know it probably wasn't designed to have a 30 lb toddler going down the slide saying "Weeee!"). This is his second pair of airplane jammies. There is a little embossed airplane on the front.
It is supposed to be around 40 degrees most of the week here. I think we might actually hit 50 on one day!!! The snow is melting (yahoo!) and I have some spring flowers in my house to tide me over until they start growing outside. (Thanks again, Honey, for the wonderful smelling hyacinths! They are JUST what the dr. ordered!)
Seeya winter!!!
1 comment:
Oh my goodness! I can't believe I missed your birthday! It sounds like you had a nice day and I'm glad that the weather cooperated for you too! And kuddos to Brandon for the pretty cake and flowers. I love hyacinths too. :)
Eli sure is cute running amuck in his cute airplane jammies. He is getting so big! Love that kid!!
Happy belated birthday my friend.
Love you bunches!
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