This is a pretty little picture, no? All blue, ridgy, and otherworldly looking...perhaps it could be a newly discovered planet photographed by the Hubble. Nope, it is a microscopic picture of the invasive, misery-causing rhinovirus that causes the common cold that has invaded my poor little guy's body and is waging war with his little immune system.

Yesterday he woke up pretty snotty. This progressively became worse. After naptime, he started with the barking noises associated with croup and other fun childhood illnesses. We gave him a steamy bath, cranked up the humidifier, and keep slathering Baby Aquaphor on his poor little chapped nose. He hasn't sounded as bad today, but he sure isn't feeling better.
Today when I went into his room to get him after he woke up, his poor little face was glossy with a generous coating of snot. Eewww. (SIDENOTE: We felt the earthquake that originated in Wells, NV at our house this morning. The bed wiggled and swayed a bit. I thought I was just dizzy or tired or pregnant or something). Anyway, poor little Eli just is so miserable! Before I put him down for his nap, he was sitting on my lap coloring and just crying because he felt so icky. I just feel so bad for him. I hope he gets better soon!
I was thinking about getting him a hat like this one. Functional yet stylish, no?
Ahh man, sorry to hear about poor little Eli. We have been sicko here at our house too. Mya really didn't catch it this time though just me and Brandon. Brandon's has cleared up but I still have a pretty nasty sore throat - going on 1 week now.
Hope Eli starts feeling better soon!
We love you guys!
Get better soon, little man! I think it's much harder on the mom than on the kid, though. So for your sake as well as Eli's, I hope that this passes very soon!
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