The other day we were at the grocery store and after we bought our stuff, Eli asked to go see Cookie (they have a Cookie Monster balloon that is bigger than him that he loves to go and look at). The girl who checked us out asked me what he was saying and I told her that he wanted to go look at the balloon again. She thought that was adorable and followed us over there. Eli was, of course, elated to see the Cookie Monster balloon again. The girl thought he was being so cute and asked me if it was okay for him to have it if she bought him the balloon. It was so sweet. So we left the store with our milk toting a giant Cookie Monster balloon. Eli loves playing with this thing. It is so funny.
Hugs for Cookie Monster
We also had our little friend, Chloe, come and play at our house yesterday. She and Eli had lots of fun together! He did so well sharing his toys - maybe even a little too well at times. He kept trying to give Chloe all of his cars and was saying, "Here you go, hot rod car, here you go Mustang, here you go, Viper, here you go Hummer" etc, etc. Well, Chloe, being the dainty little girl she is, was not interested in playing with Eli's beloved cars. It was pretty funny.
Intently watching Toy Story. It is a very suspensful movie, you know!
Eli did another silly thing the other day. After I went in his room and got him, he took off down the hall. I was finishing something in his room and heard some noise in the bathroom. I went in after him and found him hanging out in the tub playing with his cars trying to turn on the water. He wasn't very happy when I didn't respond to his requests for "water, on, bath" other than to grab the camera. I don't think he would have been very comfortable in soggy airplane jammies.
Only 14 weeks to go - wahoooooo!! I am so excited for you! Time is just flying by. I can't wait for the little guy to make his grand entrance!
Eli is such a cutie. I love the Cookie Monster balloon - so nice of that lady to buy it for him.
Love you guys! Missing you desperately! **sniff**sniff**
What a nice cashier! I bet Eli was in heaven. He is getting so big-looking, Kirsten. Definitely ready to be a big brother. And I'm diggin' his hair these days as well. Keep those pictures coming.
CONGRATZ!!!!!!!!!! that is awesome! I bet you're glad to be past that mile marker. I love the cookie monster thing, it almost made me cry. I have been so mushy lately it makes me gag. Eli is adorable, i wish that he and bella knew eachother, they would have so much fun. Is there any way you can sneak down to vegas this next week? I'm gonna be there!
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