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Monday, March 10, 2008

A Little Light Reading

7:30 PM rolled around so I started to get Eli ready to take a bath. Before his ritual potty sitting time, he grabbed one of Brandon's car magazines and waited for me to put him on the toilet. I got him all positioned, and he was totally enthralled with looking through the magazine. It was so hysterical! I took a ton of pictures (this will be great blackmail later in life). More than a few of them were pretty fuzzy because I was laughing so hard! This kid is priceless.

Since I have been posting so much about bodily functions, here is another amusing poo tidbid. We were at the park yesterday and there are quite a few little goodies in the grass from doggies whose owners are not so considerate of children running around the park (this is a source of contention with me - Honestly! I don't leave dirty diapers hanging around where people can step in it! Clean up after your pets!). Eli is quite interested in these little piles and stops to look at them (thank heavens not to touch!). He found a notably sizable pile and I was trying to encourage him to move along. He looked up at me and said "icky banana poop." Very creative linking of terms there, kiddo! He then said "seeya icky poop" and moved on.

Being silly!
Silly dance moves. This move is usually accompanied by an enthusiastic "Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah!"

Here is Eli wearing Daddy's racquetball goggles. Eli can say racquetball, too!
I love it when Eli recounts the events of the day to me! He will go through things that we did, people we saw, places we went. He will then wait for me to repeat and elaborate on his comments. For instance, we went to the park with our neighbors the other day and Brooklyn had some snacks that she so kindly shared with Eli. Several days later, he still is saying to me "park, slide, Brooklyn, SNACKS!" "Eli, Brooklyn, SNACKS!" He is so much entertainment. You can always see those little wheels turning in his head. We had better constantly stay on our toes when he gets a little older to keep up with this him!

1 comment:

Bonny said...

So cute and so funny!! What a big boy Eli is becoming!
I showed these pictures to Mya and she started clapping. Maybe she knows something? Or maybe she just loves to see Eli cute face!!
Love you!