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Friday, March 14, 2008

I Am Driving Myself Crazy

As you might have gathered from the above picture of "nesting dolls," I am still losing much sleep over such silly things due to that cursed maternal nesting instinct! Today, I finally sat up in bed and started writing down all the things that kept rolling through my mind like a tornado. Seriously, if I even just start to wake up the tiniest bit, my mind jumps on my wakefulness like a waiting predator and devours any remaining chance I had at sleep. I really don't remember it being this bad with Eli. But then, I did have his room all decorated and ready to go before I was even pregnant, and his layette all together a week after we found out he was a boy.

My mind reminds me of super important and highly time-relevant things such as "What are we going to do for Eli's birthday? I'd better get to the store and pick out all the decorations and get his gifts ASAP!" and "Oh man, I'd better get all the baby clothes washed and hung up!" (These are in the washer and dryer even as I am typing this), and "I really need to wash all the walls, mop the floors, wash the windows, scrub the bathrooms, etc." All of these things are FAR more important than resting right now! It is so frustrating!

I am super freaked out about getting Eli's room all finished so we can get him moved over and I can get his old room ready for the baby. I still haven't found a dresser for Eli's room yet. This is costing me no small amount of lost sleep.

So, I am making a list so I can keep my scattered pregnant brain organized and then I can start checking things off as I complete them. Maybe this sense of accomplishment will grant me some peace to sleep!

Maybe part of the problem stems from doing some quick mental math (ok, maybe not so quick - this pregnant sleep-deprived brain isn't so Johnny-on-the-spot) and realizing that I only have about 10 more weeks before my due date and we will have our little man whether I performed a thorough q-tip cleaning to all the baseboards or not! And that is if he doesn't come early like Eli did. I need to find a paper bag to breathe in -just thinking about it makes me feel like hyperventilating!I guess if I weren't pregnant and drank coffee (which oddly enough is one thing I have REALLY been craving this pregnancy - go figure), I could percolate my way through this mess, but then I wouldn't be in this mess if I weren't pregnant and therefore wouldn't need the coffee. Ah, such are the ramblings of a pregnant mind! I'm going to go clean something...

1 comment:

Bonny said...

Wow! There is alot going on in that head of yours! Sorry that you still aren't getting much sleep. I remember when you were pregnant with Eli that you had sleeping issues too and you would be wide awake at 2:00AM and start cleaning. Hopefully this nesting will start to taper off in the next few weeks so you can get your rest cuz you really need it!
As soon as you get Eli's new room finished I need to see pictures! I'm dying here just thinking about it - I just know it is going to be adorable!
Love you and miss you!