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Monday, April 14, 2008

Things About Eli

Things that I love about Eli:
  • When he says "love you Mama!"
  • His obsession for anything with wheels
  • How he has learned to ask for help when he needs it and says "Mama help you."
  • When he tells me about things that happened that day or week or whatever - example: he had a scary fall the other day when he was goofing around. Now he frequently looks at me with a concerned face and says "Eli, scary bonk, huh."
  • How he gets concerned whenever he hears another kid or baby crying and looks to me and says, "Sad baby, huh."
  • How he loves and remembers names of other kids and adults. I wish I had even a fraction of his memory for names!
  • How excited he gets when Brandon comes home from work and how he always says "Daddy, home!" with great enthusiasm on Brandon's days off.
  • How he loves to be chased and tickled! He loves it when mommy and daddy are "hungry" and we go and get him.
  • How he now loves to go for walks and actually does the walking - this kid will walk FOREVER! which is getting to be a bit of a challenge for this circumferentially challenged lady. I am seriously amazed at how far he will walk as he explores this world around him as I waddle behind him trying to keep up!
  • Watching in amazement as he learns, and learns, and learns!
Things that drive me a bit batty:

  • Whining - I have so little tolerance for this, especially at this stage in my pregnancy. USE YOUR WORDS!
  • Fighting to get him into his carseat. This can be an ugly battle!
  • Fighting with him to brush his teeth. I know teeth are a pain in the rear from the get-go and he has four coming in right now causing him no small amount of discomfort, but WE MUST BRUSH OUR TEETH. I did find a couple of fun songs that are somewhat helpful in this daily ordeal.
The LOVEs list could go on forever, but I will leave it at that for now. I feel so lucky to be this little man's mommy.

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