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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Our Christmas Tree

Per maternal request, and per the request of several comrades, I decided to acquiesce and post a picture of our Christmas tree.

Ok, ok, I guess I am not fooling anyone! So maybe this is just my dream tree. Complete with color coordinated presents underneath! Perhaps one day when our kidlets are a bit older (Eli being the only current threat to Christmas decorations at this point - the little giblet will remain neutral for at least one more Christmas after this).

I will try and get some pics of it tomorrow. I also have a couple of cute pics of one of Eli with one of his cute little friends that came over to play with us the other night (just to build the suspense and keep you waiting).

1 comment:

Bonny said...

Oooooooo, I'm definately looking forward to the new pictures! Hurry up and post them already!!! :)